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The Source of Samson’s Strength
Samson, a man with God-given strength, lost it when he gave his secret away to Delilah. Samson said to Delilah ‘If my hair were cut, I would lose my strength and be as weak as anyone else.’ (Judges 16:17), and then the trap was set – Delilah called a man to cut Samson’s hair, then Read more…
Snowdon climbing trip
Hi All, We have a church climbing trip planned to Snowdon this Saturday (22nd September). For anyone interested we will be meeting at Walton Arms @ 7.30am then car pooling to Snowdon. Everyone is welcome so hopefully see you there! If you’re interested let me know at stevewolst@hotmail.co.uk. Thanks Ste W
Bible Study: Strength
Bible Study: Samson (Judges Chapters 13-16). Last week we looked at humility, and in the biblical sense, it’s realising we are weak and God is strong! This week let’s focus on Strength. What better an example than Samson. Samson was one of God’s chosen early leaders (aka judges) of Israel, and he led for twenty years. Read more…
Bible Study: Humility
Bible Study: Deutoronomy 8. (Further reading in Philippians 2). This is an interesting time for the Israelites on their journey to the promised land – having travelled through the desert for 40 years completely depending on God for everything, they were about to occupy the promised land. Moses wanted to ensure that, even in the Read more…
Drifting away from the Lord?

Have you ever found yourself drifing away from the close relationship you once had with the Lord Jesus Christ? “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation” Hebrews 2 v3. The message recorded at Bethany on 19th August 2012 gives us the answer ! Make sure your anchor holds: maintain a strong Read more…
Bible Study: Elisha And Naaman
Bible Study: 2 Kings 5:1-19. A short story of Naaman, a commander of the Syrian army who had a skin disease, and went to seek help from Elisha, an Israelite. Here’s the passage (GNT): 1 Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army, was highly respected and esteemed by the king of Syria, because through Naaman the Lord Read more…
One day in your Temple
In this day and age, it’s difficult to stay focused on God when we have to deal with the stresses and strains of day-to-day life. Jesus knew this about us. Just before He was betrayed by Judas, he prayed on our behalf. Here’s a short excerpt of the prayer in John 17 (GNT). 14 I gave Read more…
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
For John baptised with water, but in a few days you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Acts 1v5. Was baptism in the Holy Spirit just for the first disciples or for all disciples of Jesus living today ? The message at Bethany on Sunday 29th July is all about how to be empowered Read more…
Bible Study: Gideon
Bible Study Passage: Judges 6 and 7. Gideon, the self-declared ‘least important member of the least important family’ was called by God to go to battle and lead an army to defeat their enemies. It’s an incredible story of humility, bravery, and determination to carry out God’s will. Questions Read Judges 6:12-16. Why, of all Read more…
News From Romania
Felicia (Ionel’s sister in law) had an operation today on her eyes. The church was able to help towards the cost of her treatment with money from the charity shop. Please pray for a quick recovery and a good outcome for Felicia.