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Romania trip update
Hi from John and Christine in Romania. The journey was good, we left the ferry in Zebrugge on Monday morning and drove until early evening when we stayed near Munich with our friends the Langer family. They had collected a lot of things for us to take to Romania, we loaded this into the van Read more…
The Calvary Job
The Calvary Job It is with joy today that I can reflect on the Calvary job. Today is Good Friday and I look back and ask myself why my saviour had to go all the way to Calvary? Did it really have to be a mountain job? Why not anywhere else? How big were my Read more…
Armour Of God: Breastplate Of Righteousness
The Breastplate Of Righteousness is an important element of our spiritual armour. In fact, King Ahab, an unrighteous king of Israel, killed in battle by taking an arrow to the breastplate (between the scale armour – 1 Kings 22:34). Let’s look at the story of Lot as an example – a man rescued from Sodom along with Read more…
Armour Of God: Belt Of Truth
Let’s kick off the Armour Of God with the first piece mentioned by Paul – the Belt of Truth (Ephesians 6:14). A belt has a few uses in battle. In a way, it could be seen as an all-rounder; it protects whilst also enabling the soldier to move easily and freely. The belt may also Read more…
Shoebox 2012 – Photos

Thank you to everyone who took part in providing Christmas presents for the Romania cause. The shoeboxes allowed us to shine a light into many lives at the end of 2012. Gifts for the children, and supplies for the families, whatever they needed. We’re grateful to share photos taken whilst gifts were given – If you made Read more…
The Armour Of God
We’re going to look at a series of Bible Studies about the Armour of God. A famous passage, but how much do we really know about it, and how is it relevant to Christians today? Here’s the passage in mind, in Ephesians 6:10-18: 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the Read more…
Iron Sharpens Iron
The topic of today’s study is ‘Iron Sharpens Iron’, based on a nifty bible verse – Proverbs 27:17: As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. It’s fascinating that, as Christians, we are sharpened just by being around other like-minded believers. Some of the questions further down relate to on the early believers, at a time Read more…
Your Will Be Done? Not Always Easy!
Our human side often means we like to take control of things. The only problem with it is that sometimes this is at odds with what God wants to do. God’s plan can even seem counter-intuitive at first, but as Isaiah 55:8-9 puts it: 8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” Read more…
Bible Study: Fair Pay?
This is a study of the parable of the workers in the Vineyard, and it’s in Matthew 20:1-16. It centres around a land owner who hires workers at different times in the day, and at the end of the pays them all the same. “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out Read more…
Sunday Service 30th December
Don’t forget this Sunday is a time for sharing, come with a testimony, a song, a reading and share it to bless and encourage the Church.