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Shoebox Sunday

Thank you to everyone who has supported this year’s Shoebox Appeal. We will be collecting the boxes this Sunday to celebrate all your hard work as part of a family service, which will also include pictures from John and Christine’s Romania trip and songs by the children… so please ensure any last-minute additions are ready in time!
Christmas Carol Service

Join us for our Christmas Carol Service to celebrate this special time of year, this Sunday 21st December at 11am. Enjoy a nativity play by our children, Christmas carols and a Christmas message by Pastor John Addison. We look forward to seeing you!
Bethany Good News

Take a look at our latest Bethany ‘Good News’ newsletter for upcoming events and activities which you’re welcome to join us for.
Discipleship Study Starts This Week.
‘Going Deeper’. Three-part study on Discipleship by Viv Penfold starts this Weds (14th May) at 7:30pm. Why not come and join us? All are welcome.
Alpha course starts this Wednesday at Bethany!

‘Is this it?‘, ‘What’s the point?’, ‘Where am I going?’ Great questions! …and if you’ve ever pondered the answers to them, you’re invited to join us for an Alpha course here at Bethany to find out if there’s more to life than this. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian Read more…
Romania – update
After a good journey we arrived safely at the home of Ionel and Anca on Tuesday lunch time. The last few days have been spent buying things for the completion of the shower block project in the village of Tsaranuka. The project is going well and they are very excited to see it all take Read more…
Where to start..?
You might have heard that the bible says faith without action is dead… “So it is with faith: if it is alone and includes no actions, then it is dead”, (James 2:17). … and it’s true. The bible says, if you see someone without any clothes or food and say to them, ‘Keep warm and eat well’, Read more…
Armour Of God: Helmet Of Salvation
What does it mean to put on the Helmet Of Salvation, and how do we do it? This bible study attempts to tackle that issue and looking at John 3, including the famous John 3:16 passage: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but Read more…
Armour Of God: Shield Of Faith
In the fourth instalment of the Armour Of God bible studies, faith is at the centre. Eph 6:16 Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one In the sense of spiritual warfare, Paul is telling us that, by having faith, we’re actually adopting a Read more…
Armour Of God: Shoes Of Readiness
Ephesians 6:15 says: “Stand firm with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace”. The bible stresses the importance of being ready, over a range of topics. For this study, we’ll look at it from two perspectives: Readiness from attacks, and Readiness to preach the Gospel. Here are the passages Read more…